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Grow & Glow
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Grow & Glow
In short, the Steering Committee felt East Bloomfield was essentially “closed for business.”  The 2020 Comp Plan gives growth the green light.  Indeed, we wish to keep our pristine farm fields, wood lots, and scenic rural and historic beauty.  But there’s a strong citizen need to grow our Tax Base. This will help moderate future tax rate growth, strengthen our competitive position vs. neighboring towns and make Bloomfield more attractive for residents and business investment.

By Paul Hudson

Three years ago town supervisor Fred Wille and councilperson Kathy Conradt convened a dozen or so townsfolk to update the Town’s and Village’s Comprehensive Plan.  This process was long overdue. The Steering Committee met and workshopped many times. We examined the most recent 10-Year Plan which “ran out” in 2016. We re-read reams of past research and conducted a new survey. We discussed and listened among our families, friends, neighbors, business associates, and organizations, then went to work revising, reframing, and updating.

Net take? The committee felt that the town has long been slumbering. Population steady. Young people and senior citizens leaving. Few new homes or homes for sale. Our high-quality school in student population freefall.  Minimal business growth.  Losing commercial and residential opportunities to Victor, Farmington, and Canandaigua. Taxes relentless.

In short, the Steering Committee felt East Bloomfield was essentially “closed for business.”  The 2020 Comp Plan gives growth the green light.  Indeed, we wish to keep our pristine farm fields, wood lots, and scenic rural and historic beauty.  But there’s a strong citizen need to grow our Tax Base. This will help moderate future tax rate growth, strengthen our competitive position vs. neighboring towns and make Bloomfield more attractive for residents and business investment.

Here are some Plan Highlights to help Bloomfield “Grow”:

  • Permit “cluster development” in rural areas where environmentally sound (prohibited in prior plan)
  • Target and promote Route 444 to Toomey’s Corners area for commercial growth; consider public sewer there
  • Encourage residential development in/near the Village with its readily available high-capacity water, sewer & internet
  • Really push the “shovel ready” Centerpoint Industrial Park with its many lots for sale and rezone roadside frontage along 5&20 there for mixed use including retail
  • Develop a new Recreation Plan considering, among other things, new trails for bikes and hikes
  • Support a grassroots development corporation to help local government coordinate marketing outreach and assist development

Grow Bloomfield answers that last bullet point.  We are proud to be a “Chamber of Growth.”  Bloomfield has a lot going for it—scenic beauty, proximity to cities, safety, services, parks, trails, and ballfields, wonderful service organizations, one of the state’s finest public schools, and dedicated public servants.  That’s “the glow.” The Comprehensive Plan’s Guiding Vision is also ours:

“…to maintain an affordable, attractive, liveable historic atmosphere while at the same time providing for and promoting orderly growth compatible with small-town charm and scenic beauty.”

Visit one of the Grow Bloomfield public meetings (4pm every 3rd Wednesday at Turnbull Restoration on 5&20). Share your dreams for Bloomfield’s needs and possibilities. Maybe even join us. 

East Bloomfield is the historic “High Point” along the Old State Road.  Let’s all start telling more people why.

Link to the Comp Plan courtesy of Sara Turnbull  

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